Hospitality / Residential


No. Project Name Contact Person Contract Value Contract Period Year Completed Area
1 The Capital Hotel Mbombela
Construct Capital
Bryce O’Donnel / Cavan Dunmow
084 470 1669 / 083 625 7050
R 131,461,027.23 12 Months Oct 2021 8005m2
6 Storyes
145 Rooms
2 Waterberry Way Apartment Blocks
GJ Architects
Gerhard Jooste
013 750 5779
R 31,638,421.85 12 Months Apr 2009 6 x 3 Storey
Aparment Blocks
120 Apartments
3 Cecilia’s Icon Apartment Blocks
Forch & Associates
Barry du Plessis
013 752 2583
R 19,468,259.32 11 months May 2009 39 Units
4 Vallei Uitsig Ontwikkeling White River
Ikotwe Construction
Andreas van Tonder
R 17,500,000.00 12 months Jul 2011 12 Units
5 Azure park Townhouse Development
Tasker & Schuman Architects
Phil Tasker
013 753 2769
R 15,750,000.00 12 months 2007 45 Units
6 Fairlands Village
Ikotwe Construction
Andreas van Tonder
R 14,950,000.00 11 months Nov 2020 1841m2
19 Units
7 The Terrace Nelspruit
JMS Quantity Surveyors

Job Steyn
082 587 1995

R 13,697,643.00 17 Months 2004
8 Bel Air Flats
White River
Ikotwe Construction

Andreas van Tonder

082 565 7941

R 13,532,988.58 12 Months Dec 2018 2 x 3 Storey
Apartment Blocks
27 Units
9 Elawini Clubhouse & Gatehouse Nelspruit
Atterbury Property Holdings
Gerrit vd Berg

012 483 8676

R 12,632,228.91 8 months Aug 2005
10 Pine Lake Inn Hotel (2)
African Sky

Frikkie Labuschagne
012 998 2357

R 11,987,466.42 8 Months Mar 2010
11 Pine Lake Inn Hotel
White River
African Sky
Frikkie Labuschagne
012 998 2357
R 5,385,885.84 6 Months 2004 44 Rooms
12 White River Country Estates
Bayhill Drive
White River
Owner R 3,956,679.80 11 Months 2003
13 White River Country Estates
St Andrews Drive
Tom Hattingh Architects
Tom Hattingh
013 752 8239
R 3,788,636.08 11 months 2003
14 Noordsig Landgoed No 9
Cecilia Architects CC
Cecilia Janse van Rensburg
013 744 1113
R 2,790,268.89 12 Months 2004
15 Erf 49
Shandon Estates, Nelspruit
Cecilia Architects CC
Cecilia Janse van Rensburg
013 744 1113
R 1,880,000.00 8 months 2005
16 Shefield Estates
3 Darter Street
White River
Andreas van Tonder
082 447 1563
R 1,800,000.00 12 Months 2006
17 White River Country Estates Bayhill Drive
Atelier & Associates
Ilze Kerr
011 684 1797
R 1,489,726.67 9 Months 2003
18 Uitsig Landgoed No 10
Heinzelmann Dill
Tom Brunette
013 753 2208
R 1,364,387.25 7 Months 2003
19 Erf 95 Matumi Golf Estate, Nelspruit
Heinzelmann Dill
Andrè Moller
(013) 753 2208
R 1,027,184.78 6 months 2003